Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Leadership Code of Commitment

In Ed Leadership I recently read about Dr. William Skilling, Superintendent in Oxford, MI. The article, Creating a Culture of Innovation While Balancing the Budget, is running dialogue between Skilling and Harvard Professor (and recovering English teacher) Tony Wagner. A great article to say the least. While reading, I became more intrigued by what I was reading. Dug deeper into the Oxford school district website, a wealth of innovative ideas, leadership concepts and results, and discovered a Leadership Code of Commitment from Dr. Skilling.

It harkened me back to my graduate program and got me thinking about what I wrote 15 years ago - it really has been that long! My Leadership Theory was nearly identical. After updating it for the 21st Century and stealing the Code of Commitment verbage from Dr. Skilling I am unveiling what was a very personal theory and revealing Mark Hansen's Leadership Code of Commitment.
1. Maintain balance among the most important demands - a husband and father - with the professional demands - an educator and lifelong learner.
2. Decision making will be for the students first and foremost while also involving the use of data, process(es) and effective communication.
3. 24 hour follow up to all communication while maintaining regular intervals of newsletters.
4. Block, plow and pave the way for teachers and principals. Great teachers working with great principals literally change and save lives. Let's clear the way for those people.
5. Commit myself to the goals, vision and mission of the organization.

Schools need servant leadership during these challenging fiscal and political times. Any feedback would be appreciated especially on areas that I may not have considered. If you read this far, at least give one suggestion!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Influential Books in Education

Some months ago there was a post that was entitled "Read or Get Left Behind". As I reread the post and pondered read books in recent months it dawned on me that there are a few that will forever leave a mark on my teaching, leading and learning. Here are my top five:

Good to Great

Curriculum 21

The Art and Science of Teaching

Teach Like a Champion

How to Grade for Learning

The list is short and certainly misses some classics in our profession. These books guide the work that inspire our innovation. What books are you reading that keep you innovating?