Change is afoot in the education sector unlike any time in recent history. If you are looking for guidance here is a list of ten books I consider must reads for educational leaders engaged in change. Please post any ideas, reflections or observations if you have read any of the Top 10.
1. Good to Great - Jim Collins
2. Motion Leadership - Michael Fullan
3. Switch - Chip and Dan Heath
3. Six Secrets of Change - Michael Fullan
4. The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell
5. Running All the Red Lights - Terry Holliday and Brenda Clark
6. Leading Change - John Kotter
7. Fourth Way - Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley
8. Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
9. Change Leadership - Tony Wagner
10. Curriculum 21 - Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Any others come to mind?
Congrats on your new blog! I like your list...sorry I don't have any more recommendations at this time. Just wanted to say keep it up!
What no Schmoker???? I know that technically his books aren't about "change", but the changes that we have done @ Tecumseh based on his basic common sense principles have had a tremendous impact on the way we do things.